Best Spots in Nashville to Nurse a Hangover - The George Jones

Best Spots in Nashville to Nurse a Hangover

You can see it coming  . . .for every truck load of “WOOOHOOOOing” bachelorettes is a group of worn out, wandering folks looking for something to cure that “last night on Broadway” feeling the next morning.  We were honored to take top-honors recently in Bach Weekend’s Blog – Best Places to Nurse a Hangover – and we had some good company!  Here were the Top 3 (you can click the link below for the full blog):

  1. The George Jones
  2. Sinema Nashville
  3. Whiskey Kitchen

Nashville is a city brimming with hot new restaurants, old school joints and out-of-the-way-dives – when your head is pounding, you can’t motivate to move and it seems like this might have all been a big mistake – don’t worry!  What the blog didn’t mention – is that we also have a brunch that is catered JUST FOR HUNGOVER BACHELORETTES.  Featuring our “Life-Saving Casserole” (potatoes, eggs and cheese), a personalized table for you and your squad, fishbowl drinks (hey hair of the dog can’t hurt), and many other amenities –  you will walk out of our doors feeling like you can conquer Broadway – again! ( For more on booking a Bach Party Brunch Lunch or Dinner at The George Jones -take a took at the details HERE)  But – we digress – to see what other spots took top honors and to read the Bach Weekend blog in full – Click the link here:  AND THANK YOU, BACH WEEKEND, FOR THE GREAT MENTION!